Celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month with Your Library
Join the Sonoma County Library in celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month this October, a time to observe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer history.
Visit sonomalibrary.org/LGBTQ+History for archive projects, virtual and in-person events, community partners and resources compiled by Sonoma County Library staff to help you celebrate LGBTQ+ history.
LGBTQ+ History Month recognizes the importance of engaging with history honestly and accurately, and to learn from that history as we celebrate the triumphs of, and the challenges to, the queer community—our community. This remembrance has come under renewed attacks as more states attempt to silence any discussion of LGBTQ+ topics in classrooms and libraries. Sonoma County Library branches are spaces where the queer community will always be welcomed and celebrated.
“We will continue to make sure that LGBTQIA+ stories and resources are freely available to all members of the public. We will not let this period of backlash, hate and censorship influence or diminish our commitment to serving our queer community members,” said Terra Emerson, Chair of Sonoma County Library’s Queer Advocacy Team.
In 1994, high school teacher Rodney Wilson worked with other teachers and community leaders to develop this month-long celebration. They decided on October because it occurs when school is in session. It also coincides with National Coming Out Day, which is on October 11, as well as the first and second LGBT Marches on Washington, which took place in 1979 and 1987.
For more information on how you can celebrate LGBTQ+ history with the Sonoma County Library, visit sonomalibrary.org/LGBTQ+History.