Update from the Coalition to Restore Courthouse Square
In January 2015, a group of property and business owners in Downtown Santa Rosa, with support and participation of the Chamber, took the initiative to urge City staff to move forward with a viable plan to reunify Courthouse Square in a timely manner, adopting the name the Coalition to Restore Courthouse Square (CRCS).
Improving Courthouse Square has been a long-standing goal for the City of Santa Rosa, beginning in 2003 when the City Council determined the goals of reunification of the Square. In 2007, the General Plan was amended to illustrate a reunified Courthouse Square and that year the City announced a design competition to select a reunification plan. The winning reunification plan submitted by the SWA Group, proposed crushed granite flooring, water walls and a series of pavilions to decorate the Square at the price tag of $17M. The SWA plan was further validated in February 2014 with the certification of the plan’s EIR and later in October 2014 when Council approved the Reunification Project “preferred alternative,” and confirmed that Hinton and Exchange Avenues would be installed. No progress had been made on reunification plans until the Coalition to Restore Courthouse Square (CRCS) stepped forward with a plan to reunify the Square in two phases, a plan that is both simpler and more cost-effective than the approved, yet controversial SWA plan.
CRCS firmly stands behind the proposal that the Square Project can be completed in two phases, using City allocated funds at $7M instead of $17M. Phase one includes perimeter and street improvements: installing Hinton and Exchange Avenues with 52 double-loaded, diagonal, metered parking spaces, and 25’ wide sidewalks for outdoor dining opportunities. Sensitive parking placement encourages commerce activity on the “outer square,” enhancing the walkability and bikability of the Square and surrounding streets. Traffic would flow clockwise around the square eliminating most left turn conflicts and smooth flow on adjacent streets. The plan proposes to save key redwoods, the Bunya Bunya tree, and the Asawa Fountain panels/artwork. Phase two necessitates a public participation process facilitated by the City to generate interior square plans designed for community use and events. The square has paramount opportunities to connect to neighboring elements: the Transit Mall, multiple parking garages, and existing pedestrian and bicycle pathways to create a much more easily traversable City center.
On July 21, 2015 City Council amended their 2015-16 work plan, shifting Courthouse Square reunification “up” on the schedule to be discussed on September 22, 2015. At that meeting CRCS hopes to gain a commitment from Council and staff regarding the funding proposal, and a timeline so unification can get underway and completed by the 2016 holiday season.
We invite any who are interested to attend the September 22nd City Council meeting. Now is the critical time to push forward with a simple plaza design that will unify the bisected square so it may be a well designed and successfully planned space that will galvanize pedestrian activity and investment in downtown Santa Rosa.
For more information contact Kristin Kiefer at Kristin@hughfutrellcorp.com.