Showcase Sonoma County Sponsorships
Becoming a sponsor of Showcase Sonoma County, the Chamber’s largest and most interactive networking event and business expo, is a powerful branding tool that gives your organization placement in front of nearly 1,000 business and community leaders, from the region’s top influencers and decision-makers to start-ups and entrepreneurs, as well as publicity and promotion to the general public.
We're reimagining Showcase for 2024 and will have new, revamped sponsor benefits soon that will be similar to the opportunities from last year listed below.
The full sponsor & exhibitor packet will be available soon.
Complete the sponsorship registration for any other level online by clicking the Sponsor button below or calling Janelle Meyers at 707-636-3663.
Your logo in our ad
We are pleased to once again partner with The Press Democrat for Showcase advertising and promotion. As an exhibitor, your logo will be included in the full page advertisement the Sunday before the event.
Raffle item
All exhibitors are asked to bring and promote a raffle prize at their booth, valued at $25 or more, as a way to collect expo attendees’ business cards. After the show, you may select a winner from the cards you have collected during the evening, and contact them the next day.
Booth assignments
Booth assignments will be determined on a first come, first served basis, and placements will ensure a good mix businesses. Payment must be received to secure your exhibitor booth space. No refunds.
More day-of information to come
Load-in/load-out times, parking, set-up, and additional info and instructions will be emailed to you several days prior to the event.
Your exhibition staff
Each booth space can accommodate up to 4 staff/exhibitors. All of your employees are eligible/encouraged to attend the event and visit exhibitor booths.
Sponsor registration
If you complete your sponsor registration online, please note that there are important additional information fields you must complete at the bottom of the Select Items section. If you need assistance with sponsor registration, contact us at 707-545-1414.