Winter Lights Sponsorships
Downtown Tree Lighting Celebration and Season-Long Skating Rink
Continuing the tradition of the synthetic ice rink, combined with holiday markets, lights, and of course the annual tree lighting event on the day after Thanksgiving, will make Courthouse Square festive and busy throughout the whole holiday season.
With an improved schedule and more opportunities to celebrate, Winter Lights will continue being a keystone activity for Sonoma County and an excellent way to promote your business to thousands of residents and visitors.

Your Opportunity: Participate through Sponsorship
As a leader in the business community, we invite you join us and participate in these seasonal sponsorship opportunities, which will provide excellent visibility for your business and directly benefit our community and economy by bringing dynamic programming Downtown.
Sponsorships are available at multiple levels to allow all sizes of businesses to participate and provide a variety of benefits to ensure you are receiving what matters most for your business, whether its community-wide recognition, advertising, fun activities for employees or customer appreciation.
View the full sponsorship info packet here [PDF] or contact Christopher Kren-Mora at 707-636-2842 for more information.