Member Profile: Brian Barrett, New York Life
Meet our newest member of the Young Professional's Network, Brian Barrett!
Tell us about what you do? Give us your “elevator speech”
Do you ever wonder about the financial strategies successful people use to build their wealth? Would you benefit from knowing some ways to grow your money? Well, I work with driven business professionals to grow their assets and save money on taxes. Specifically, I help build plans that use strategies to help professionals accomplish what’s financially important to them.
How long have you been with your company/in that line of work?
I have been working with business owners and professionals for a little under five years and helping them with their financial needs at New York Life for over a year.
What do you enjoy most about YPN? If you are new and haven’t experienced what YPN has to offer - what are you hoping to accomplish within this community?
I enjoy the Professional Development Day. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn from successful business professionals and network with like-minded individuals who live in our community.
What do you bring to YPN? If you were to be a go to person for a fellow YPN member what would they go to you for?
I see myself as a connector of resources. If someone came up to me to ask for an introduction to someone in my network, I would make it happen.
How long have you been in Sonoma County? If a short period where are you from originally?
I’ve been in Sonoma County for a little over five years. I grew up in Monterey and San Bernadino County down in Southern California.
Whether it is “Hakuna Matata” “Carpe Diem” or “Just Do IT” - Do you have a motto in life?
Earn it, Don’t Deserve it.
In 10 years where do you hope to be?
I hope to be here in Sonoma County with my own DBA and financial practice. I hope to raise a family by that time.
If you were allowed to eat one type of food for the rest of your life (and not deal with the consequences) what would it be?
If you were to play “hooky” from work for a day, what would your ideal day look like?
Find a hiking trail at a local mountain or a plan a fishing trip to one of our local lakes. To learn more about Brian and his profession, please feel free to reach out to him directly at ADD EMAIL
What is your proudest accomplishment thus far?
Starting my own financial practice immediately after graduation and helping my parents build a plan to reach retirement after all they’ve given to me.
What is your go-to show for binge watching?
Game of Thrones.