Member Profile: Jodi Porter, Social Advocates for Youth (SAY)
Tell us about what you do!
My name is Jodi Porter, I work at Social Advocates for Youth as a Work-based Learning Coordinator at Maria Carrillo and Montgomery High School. Work-based learning links learning in the workplace to learning in the classroom, engaging students and promoting exposure and access to future education and career opportunities. What that really means is that I connect industry professionals with high school students in many meaningful ways such as: networking events, industry panels, guest speakers, industry advisement or feedback on projects, worksite tours, job shadows, and internships. Work-based learning provides career awareness, exploration, and preparation which are combined with a strong career readiness piece to prepare students for future college and/or careers.
How long have you been with your company?
I have been a Work-based Learning Coordinator at SAY for 2 years.
If you were to be a go-to person for a fellow YPN member what would they go to you for?
YPN members would seek me out if they wanted to share their time and expertise with high school youth of Santa Rosa.
How long have you been in Sonoma County?
I have been in Sonoma County for 3.5 years. I am originally from the Midwest; I made the move to Sonoma County because I was no longer tough enough to survive the cold and snowy winters.
Whether it is “Hakuna Matata” “Carpe Diem” or “Just Do IT” - Do you have a motto in life?
The ultimate goal is to better today than yesterday.
Whether it’s a sitcom, Rom-Com, Horror or Thriller, what is on your recently watched list on Netflix/Hulu?
I love anything scary! However my most recently series on Netflix is Cheers.