Wanted: Your Nominations for the Chamber's Excellence in Business Awards
Join the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce by submitting nominations for the 2014 Excellence in Business Awards and Citizen Volunteer. We will be selecting a large business (50 or more employees) and small business (49 or fewer employees). We need your help to recognize the companies and individuals most deserving of this recognition. Self-nominations are encouraged!
Small Business (49 or fewer employees)
Large Business (50 or more employees)
Citizen of the Year
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions:
Do nominees have to be Chamber members in order to win?
No, although the Selection Committee will weigh Chamber membership when considering a nominee’s qualifications.
Do nominees have to be headquartered in Santa Rosa in order to win?
No, although the Selection Committee will weigh the company’s total presence in the city when considering the nominee’s qualifications.
Can I make more than one nomination?
Yes, you may submit multiple nominations, but please use a separate form for each entry.
How are Finalists selected?
1) Nominations are reviewed by staff and sorted into award categories.
2) A nominating committee made up of Chamber directors, Chamber leadership and members will select the winners.
When will winners be notified?
Winners will be contacted in mid-November.
Nomination Deadline: November 4th, 2013 at 5:00pm
The Excellence in Business winners will be asked to provide a video of their business.
For more information contact Janet Rogers at (707) 545-1414 x213 or e-mail janetr@santarosachamber.com